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Garnet: The January Birthstone’s History, Myths, and Legends


Each month has a specific jewel or gemstone that distinguishes it. For centuries, people have used birthstones to celebrate their birth month — believing they bring luck, good health, and prosperity. 

‌January’s birthstone is garnet. It is often associated with love, friendship, and vitality. Cultures across the globe prize garnet as one of the earth’s most valued gemstones. The gem has also inspired numerous myths and legends, from uniting star-crossed Greek lovers to guiding Noah’s Ark. It’s one of few gemstones that you can find in a rainbow of colors, including brilliant greens, vibrant yellows, gorgeous oranges, and blood reds.

‌Along with its storied history, garnet’s rich, enduring colors and deep symbolism make them beautiful decorations for yourself and thoughtful gifts for your January-born loved ones. Read on to learn more about this fantastic birthstone.

The January Birthstone’s History, Myths, and Legends

‌Garnet’s name is derived from the Latin word “garantus,” which refers to a pomegranate seed. Indeed, the garnet shares the pomegranate pit’s red luminescence. Garnet is durable enough (6.5-7.5 on the Mohs scale) that you can still discover antiquities of garnet jewelry as far back as the Bronze Age, which began around 2300 BC. Some even date back to 3500 BC when the Egyptians used the stones for inlays in their jewelry and carvings.

Archeologists recovered garnet necklaces in ancient Egyptian tombs—talismans buried to protect mummified pharaohs in the afterlife. During the European Middle Ages, clergy viewed garnets as symbols of Christ’s blood and sacrifice. As told in the Jewish tradition, Noah brought a garnet onto the Ark to shine light as the flood drowned out the sun and moon.

‌Garnets also have roots in Greek mythology. Hades — the God of the Underworld — gave pomegranate seeds to Persephone — the goddess of sunshine — signifying an eternal connection between the two. Today, these gemstones continue to represent love and infinity.

Garnet is often called the “Gem of Faith,” for those who wear it and do good, more good will come. On the contrary, it’s said to also bring bad fortune to those who do wrong while wearing it.

 A Garnet Stands Alone

‌At its core, the garnet is a rock-forming mineral. Although red garnets are the most common, they come in various colors. Some rare garnets change colors in sunlight versus incandescent light.

Not only do garnets come in so many gorgeous colors, but they have unique properties that make them especially eye-catching. Some exhibit asterism, a star-shaped pattern of reflections, chatoyancy, and a “cat’s eye” pattern in reflected light. Due to garnet’s impressive light dispersion, well-cut-fashioned gems display incredible fire. “Fire” in gems refers to the rapidly changing flashes of colors when light passes through them, creating brilliance and luster. A garnet’s luster also varies, with some pieces shining like glass and others displaying an amber sheen.  

‌‌It is a little-known fact that some garnets are magnetic, containing more paramagnetic iron concentrations than any other transparent gem. Their intense reflectivity and “magnetic” attraction make garnets unique among similar stones. 

Where Are Garnets Found?

‌The first known garnet discovery was the necklace of an Egyptian mummy dating back to 3500 BC. Centuries later, miners began harvesting garnets from a Czechoslovakian area called “Bohemia.” 

‌Today, garnets are mined worldwide. The red garnet is most abundant in India, while the rare Uvarovite is found in Africa and Russia.

India, China, Australia, and the US are the leading garnet producers. Unlike gemstones mined underground, garnets are typically found above ground near lakes and oceans.

Valuing the Garnet

‌Color, clarity, size, and shape primarily determine a garnet’s value. The green garnets Tsavorite and Demantoid are the rarest and the most expensive. Red is often the preferred color, the hue commonly associated with garnet. Because the stone’s crystals are so irregular, each garnet’s value varies widely based on the quality of the piece and the gemstone itself.

‌‌A loose, unpolished garnet can cost as little as a few cents. However, the price increases substantially once the stone has been shaped and faceted. The most inexpensive Rhodolite garnet starts at around $40 per carat, while the classic Malaia garnet can reach $500.

Rare stones, like the Star Garnet, can command $1,500 per carat or more. 

‌What Does the January Birthstone Symbolize?

‌‌Throughout history, garnets have represented love, luck, and prosperity. Their renowned healing powers are said to promote radiant skin and heart health and increase blood circulation. 

‌‌The popular red garnet is also thought to inspire passion. The famed romantic conqueror Don Juan wore a garnet ring, as the stone is linked to heightened sexuality. On a deeper level, garnets enhance loyalty and commitment between couples. 

Fashion Fit for a Queen

‌‌Kings and Queens often relied on the garnet’s reputation for protection. Royalty often wore them to ward off harm. Both Queen Victoria and Mary, Queen of Scots, were well-known for their lavish, garnet-adorned clothing.

‌‌Modern wearers prize these gems for versatility, proudly displaying them in dainty studded earrings and large dangling bracelets. Other popular styles include signet rings, cuff links, and hanging charm pendants dangling close to the heart. Whether a simple brooch honoring a child’s birth month or a scene-stealing necklace at a wedding, garnets make a fashion statement wherever they appear.  

Caring for Your Garnet

‌Aristotle once said, “The garnet is a red gem, but not like the ruby … more like that of a flame. If correctly cut and polished, it will reveal all its beauty and perfection.”

As the philosopher suggests, garnets require some care to protect their sparkle. 

‌To remove minor imperfections, a professional can clean your piece or maintain your garnet’s luster yourself with warm water — because garnets are heat sensitive — a soft cloth or brush and a trusted detergent. As with all precious gemstones, avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the polish or integrity of your gem. We suggest a mild jewelry cleaner sold by your local jeweler. 

So Much More Than Red

‌‌Garnets have long been a cornerstone of the jewelry industry. Their versatility and timeless beauty ensure their continued popularity for years to come. Far from being relegated to winter months, the January birthstone’s rich color spectrum, dazzling sheen, and timeless beauty make it truly one for any season. 

‌‌Garnet is a one-of-a-kind gift if you are a January baby or someone you love celebrates their birthday in January. This gemstone is also an expression of lasting friendship and makes for a touching gift for someone whose friendship is deeply valued. If you have a second wedding anniversary around the corner, garnet is also the gemstone for this occasion. Whatever the reason, make sure you contact the trusted team at Brinker’s Jewelers to help you select the perfect gemstone for you or your loved one.

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